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Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry

Richard Burton

2 CDs


Usually despatched in 8 - 10 working days


CD 1:

1. Dylan Thomas - Under Milk Wood: To Begin at the Beginning

Dylan Thomas poetry:

2. A Winter’s Tale

3. In my Craft and Sullen Art

4. The Force that through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower

5. The Hand that Signed the Paper

6. The Ballad of the Long-Legged Bait

7. Fernhill

8. Hunchback in the Park

9. Before I Knocked

10. I See the Boys of Summer

11. Lament

12. Desiderata (1692, found in a Baltimore church)

13. Edward Thomas - Adelstrop

14. Ernest Dowson -Non sum qualis eram bonae sub regno Cynarae

15. John Betjeman - Hunter Trials

Thomas Hardy poetry:

16. At Casterbridge Fair (6 parts)

17. The Voice

18. Weathers

19. She Charged Me

John Donne poetry:

20. A Hymn to God the Father

21. The Good Morrow

22. Song: Go and Catch a Falling Star

23. Song: Sweetest Love I do not go

24. Coleridge - Frost at Midnight

25. Shakespeare - Lines from Richard II

26. Shakespeare - Lines from The Tempest

Dylan Thomas poetry:

27. Elegy (ed.Watkins)

28. Lie Still, Sleep Becalmed

29. Do not go Gentle into that Good Night

30. And Death Shall Have No Dominion

CD 2:

1. Coleridge - The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

- with John Neville (narrator) & Robert Hardy (Wedding Guest)

Thomas Hardy poetry:

2. In Tenebris

3. Shut Out that Moon

4. Reminiscences of a Dancing Man

5. Let me Enjoy

6. Beyond the Last Lamp

7. I Found her out There

8. In the Servants’ Quarters

9. In the Study

10. Timing Her

11. Old Furniture

12. At Castle Boterel

John Donne poetry:

13. Legacie

14. The Anniversary

15. A Nocturnall (Upon St. Lucy’s)

16. A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning

17. The Extasie

18. The Funerall

19. The Relique

20. At the Round Earth’s Imagined Corner

21. Death be not Proud