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The British Cathedral Choir Heritage

20 Cathedral Choirs sing hymns, anthems and canticles

The Choir of York Minster, Hereford Cathedral Choir, St. Albans Cathedral Choir, Chicester Cathedral Choir, Choir of Wakefield Cathedral, St Mary Episcopal Cathedral Choir, Truro Cathedral Choir, Ely Cathedral Choir, Durham Cathedral Choir, Bristol Cathedral Choir, Lichfield Cathedral Choir, Gloucester...



Usually despatched in 4 - 5 working days


Parry: Jerusalem

  • York Minster Choir
  • Philip Moore

Stewart, C H: The Lord is My Shepherd (Psalm 23)

  • Hereford Cathedral Choir
  • Roy Massey

Stanford: How beauteous are their feet

  • St Albans Cathedral Choir
  • Andrew Lucas

Parry: Sunset and Evening Star

  • Chicester Cathedral Choir
  • Alan Thurlow

Parry: O praise ye the Lord

  • Wakefield Cathedral Choir
  • Jonathan Bielby

Parry: Dear Lord and Father of Mankind (Repton)

  • St Mary Episcopal Cathedral Choir
  • Dennis Townhill

Franck, C: Panis Angelicus

  • Truro Cathedral Choir
  • Andrew Nethsinga

Turle: Psalm 133: Behold, how good and joyful

  • Ely Cathedral Choir
  • David Price

Stanford: Jubilate in B flat, Op. 10

  • Durham Cathedral Choir
  • James Lancelot

Tallis: If ye love me

  • Bristol Cathedral Choir
  • Christopher Brayne

Gibbons, O: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis (Short Service)

  • Lichfield Cathedral Choir
  • Andrew Lumsden

Cruger: Now thank we all our God (Nun danket)

  • Gloucester Cathedral Choir
  • David Briggs

Bach, J S: Jesu, bleibet meine Freude (from Cantata BWV147 'Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben')

  • Truro Cathedral Choir
  • Andrew Nethsinga

trad.: Father, hear the prayer we offer (Sussex)

  • Lincoln Cathedral Choir
  • Colin Walsh

Wilby: If ye love me

  • Choir of Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral
  • Mervyn Cousins

Stanford: A Song of Freedom, Op. 113 No. 1

  • Chichester Cathedral Choir
  • Alan Thurlow

Vaughan Williams: The Old Hundredth Psalm Tune 'All people that on earth do dwell'

  • Norwich Cathedral Choir
  • David Dunnett

Howells: Psalm 121

  • Wells Cathedral Choir
  • Anthony Crossland

Wood, C: O thou the central orb

  • Guildford Cathedral Choir
  • Andrew Millington

Wood, C: Hail, gladdening Light

  • Southwark Cathedral Choir
  • Peter Wright

Goss, J: Praise my soul, the King of Heaven

  • St Edmundsbury Cathedral Choir
  • Mervyn Cousins

Monk, W H: Abide with me

  • York Minster Choir
  • Philip Moore

Britten: A Ceremony of Carols, Op. 28: Wolcum Yole!

  • Rochester Cathedral Choir
  • Roger Sayer