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Geoffrey Chaucer: The Knyghte’s Tale (unabridged)

Read by Richard Bebb

No digital booklet included


The Canterbury Tales - The Knyghtes Tale (The Knight's Tale) (Middle English)

Work length2:35:33

The Knyghtes Tale: lamque domos patrias…

Track length3:34

The eldest lady of hem alle spak…

Track length4:15

The rede statue of Mars, with spere and targe…

Track length3:47

This passeth yeer by yeer, and day by day…

Track length3:48

This Palamon answerde, and seyde ageyn…

Track length3:59

This Arcite ful proudly spak ageyn…

Track length4:28

How greet a sorwe suffreth now Arcite!

Track length3:56

Up-on that other side Palamon…

Track length5:40

The Second Part: Whan that Arcite to Thebes comen was…

Track length4:35

Wel coude he hewen wode, and water bere…

Track length4:25

Now wol I torne un-to Arcite ageyn…

Track length3:30

Whan that Arcite had songe, he gan to syke…

Track length3:49

This Arcite, with ful despitous herte…

Track length4:32

The destinee, ministre general…

Track length5:07

This worthy duk answerde anon agayn…

Track length5:51

‘To speke of royal linage and richesse…’

Track length3:40

The Third Part: I trowe men wolde deme it necligence…

Track length4:44

The statue of Venus, glorious for to see…

Track length2:40

Ther saugh I first the derke imagining…

Track length3:48

Now to the temple of Diane the chaste…

Track length4:26

And right so ferden they with Palamon…

Track length4:51

This Theseus, this duk, this worthy knight…

Track length5:02

Whan thorisoun was doon of Palamon…

Track length4:48

The fyres brenne up-on the auter clere…

Track length6:16

The preyere stinte of Arcita the stronge…

Track length4:41

The Fourth Part: Greet was the feste in Athenes that day…

Track length5:32

The voys of peple touchede the hevene…

Track length5:12

Som tyme an ended ther is of every dede…

Track length4:43

Duk Theseus, with al his companye…

Track length3:03

Swelleth the brest of Arcite, and the sore…

Track length5:41

Now wol I speken forth of Emelye…

Track length4:40

Tho cam this woful Theban Palamoun…

Track length6:04

By process and by lengthe of certeyn yeres…

Track length5:10

Thanne is it wisdom, as it thinketh me…

Track length5:16