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Special offer. Vivaldi: Ottone in Villa

Sonia Prina (Ottone), Julia Lezhneva (Caio Silio), Veronica Cangemi (Cleonilla), Roberta Invernizzi (Tullia) & Topi Lehtipuu (Decio)

Il Giardino Armonico, Giovanni Antonini (director)

A major attraction of Antonini's version is the casting of Sonia Prina as Roman Emperor Ottone. Her rounded vocal timbre and powerful declamation bring strong characterisation to the role...Antonini... More…
  • Presto Recording of the Week
    6th December 2010

This release includes a digital booklet


Vivaldi: Ottone in Villa

Work length2:14:35
  • Julia Lezhneva (soprano), Topi Lehtipuu (tenor), Roberta Invernizzi (soprano), Sonia Prina (contralto), Veronica Cangemi (soprano)
  • Giardino Armonico, Il
  • Giovanni Antonini

Sinfonia: Allegro

Track length2:33

Sinfonia: Larghetto

Track length0:54

Sinfonia: Allegro

Track length0:38

Act I Scene 1: Recitative: Nacqui a gran sorte … (I was born to greatness … ) (Cleonilla)

Track length1:21

Act I Scene 1: Aria: Quanto m'alletta (How alluring) (Cleonilla)

Track length4:09

Act I Scene 2: Recitative: Caio … (Caio … ) (Cleonilla, Caio)

Track length0:45

Act I Scene 2: Aria: Sole degl'occhi miei (Light of my eyes) (Caio)

Track length3:21

Act I Scene 2: Recitative: Ma Cesare qui vien … (But here comes Caesar … ) (Caio, Cleonilla)

Track length0:12

Act I Scene 3: Recitative: Cleonilla, a te ne vengo … (Cleonilla, I come to you … ) (Ottone, Cleonilla, Caio)

Track length2:18

Act I Scene 3: Aria: Caro bene (Beloved) (Cleonilla)

Track length1:42

Act I Scene 4: Recitative: Piu fido amante, e chi miro giammai? … (Has there ever been a truer lover? … ) (Ottone, Caio)

Track length0:48

Act I Scene 4: Aria: Par tormento, ed e piacer (It seems a torment yet is a pleasure) (Ottone)

Track length2:49

Act I Scene 5: Recitative: Quanto di donna amante … (Just how cunnning a mistress can be … ) (Caio, Tullia)

Track length2:18

Act I Scene 5: Aria: Chi seguir vuol la costanza (He who insists on being constant) (Caio)

Track length2:51

Act I Scene 6: Recitative: Ah! Traditor t'intendo … (Ah! Traitor, I know what's in your mind … ) (Tullia)

Track length0:44

Act I Scene 6: Aria: Con l'amor di donna amante (My love, being that of a loving woman) (Tullia)

Track length2:44

Act I Scene 7: Recitative: Quanto m'alletti, o cara … (How I love, my dearest … ) (Ottone, Cleonilla, Decio)

Track length1:22

Act I Scene 7: Aria: Frema pur, si lagni Roma (Let Rome fret and fume) (Ottone)

Track length4:25

Act I Scene 8: Recitative: Grande ho, Decio, il desio … (I am extremely curious to know, Decio … ) (Cleonilla, Decio, Tullia)

Track length0:58

Act I Scene 8: Aria: Il tuo pensiero e lusinghiero (You are living in a fool's paradise) (Decio)

Track length2:32

Act I Scene 9: Recitative: Porgimi il manto, caro … (Hand me my robe, dear boy … ) (Cleonilla, Tullia)

Track length2:47

Act I Scene 9: Aria: Che fe, che amor (I swear that faith, that love) (Cleonilla)

Track length2:01

Act I Scene 10: Recitative: E Caio aborriro per fin ch'io viva? … (Hold Caio in abhorrence for as long as I live? … ) (Caio, Tullia)

Track length0:32

Act I Scene 10: Aria: Si, si, deggio partir (Yes, yes, I must be off) (Tullia)

Track length2:10

Act I Scene 11: Recitative: E Caio aborriro per fin ch'io viva? … (Hold Caio in abhorrence for as long as I live? … ) (Caio)

Track length0:30

Act I Scene 11: Aria: Gelosia (Jealousy) (Caio)

Track length3:16

Act II Scene 1: Recitative: Spinto Signor son' io … (I am urged, my lord … ) (Decio, Ottone)

Track length1:54

Act II Scene 1: Aria: Come l'onda (Like a wave) (Ottone)

Track length2:58

Act II Scene 2: Recitative: A Cesare tradito io dir non volli … (I decided not to tell the deceived Caesar … ) (Deccio, Caio)

Track length1:04

Act II Scene 2: Aria: Che giova it trono al Re (What good is his throne to a king) (Decio)

Track length3:10

Act II Scene 3: Recitative: Parli Decio che vuol … (Decio can say what he likes … ) (Caio, Tullia)

Track length2:25

Act II Scene 3: Aria: L'ombre, l'aure, e ancora il rio (The shadows, the breezes, and even the stream) (Caio, Tullia)

Track length7:02

Act II Scene 4: Recitative: Qual duolo, o Caio, frenetico ti rende? … (What grief, O Caio, has provoked this frenzy? … ) (Tullia, Caio)

Track length0:27

Act II Scene 4: Aria: Su gl'occhi del tuo ben (To your beloved) (Caio)

Track length2:20

Act II Scene 5: Recitative: Disperato e l'infido … (The deceiver is desperate … ) (Tullia)

Track length0:28

Act II Scene 5: Aria: Due tiranni ho nel mio cor[e] (Two tyrants have I in my heart) (Tullia)

Track length4:31

Act II Scene 6: Recitative: Felice e il volto mio … (My face looks happy … ) (Cleonilla, Caio)

Track length1:09

Act II Scene 6: Aria: Leggi almeno, tiranna infedele (Read at least, O faithless tyrant) (Caio)

Track length5:35

Act II Scene 7: Recitative: Che mai scrisse qui Caio? … (Whatever has Caio written here? … ) (Cleonilla, Ottone)

Track length2:58

Act II Scene 7: Aria: Tu vedrai (You shall see) (Cleonilla)

Track length3:02

Act II Scene 8: Recitative: Cesare, io gia prevedo … (Caesar, I foresee … ) (Decio, Ottone, Cleonilla)

Track length0:32

Act II Scene 8: Aria: Povera fedelta (Poor constancy) (Cleonilla)

Track length2:11

Act II Scene 9: Recitative: Ah Decio, i tuio ricordi … (Ah Decio, your report … ) (Ottone, Decio)

Track length0:31

Act II Scene 9: Aria: Ben talor favella il Cielo (Very often heaven speaks) (Decio)

Track length2:43

Act II Scene 10: Recitative: Oh! qual error fec'io … (Oh, how mistaken I was … ) (Ottone, Caio)

Track length1:52

Act II Scene 10: Aria: Compatisco il tuo fiero tormento (I sympathise with your great grief) (Ottone)

Track length4:39

Act II Scene 11: Recitative: Quanto Cleonilla e scaltra … (How shrewd Cleonilla is! … ) (Caio)

Track length0:34

Act II Scene 11: Aria: Io sembro appunto (I am just) (Caio)

Track length3:14

Act II Scene 12: Recitative: Ah, che non vuol sentirmi il traditore … (Ah, the deceiver will not listen to me … ) (Tullia)

Track length0:44

Act II Scene 12: Aria: Misero spirto mio (My suffering spirit) (Tullia)

Track length4:25

Act III Scene 1: Recitative: Signor … (My lord … ) (Decio, Ottone)

Track length0:45

Act III Scene 1: Aria: Tutto sprezzo, e trono, e impero (I care for nothing, not my throne nor empire) (Ottone)

Track length2:28

Act III Scene 2: Recitative: Gia di Ottone preveggo … (I foresee Ottone's … ) (Decio)

Track length0:47

Act III Scene 2: Aria: L'esser amante (To be a lover) (Decio)

Track length3:45

Act III Scene 3: Recitative: Cerchi in van ch'io t'ascolti … (I am deaf to your pleas … ) (Cleonilla, Caio)

Track length0:24

Act III Scene 3: Aria: No, per te non ho piu amor, no (No, I no longer love you, no) (Cleonilla)

Track length1:59

Act III Scene 4: Recitative: Cleonilla … (Cleonilla … ) (Tullia, Caio, Cleonilla)

Track length1:19

Act III Scene 4: Aria: Guarda in quest'occhi (Look into my eyes, and hear) (Caio)

Track length4:19

Act III Scene 5: Recitative: Quant'ha di vago Amor nel suo gran regno … (All the charms that Love possesses … ) (Cleonilla, Tullia)

Track length0:47

Act III Scene 5: Aria: Che bel contento (What sweet contentment) (Tullia)

Track length1:48

Act III Scene 6: Recitative: Piu soffrir non poss'io … (I can bear this no longer … ) (Caio, Cleonilla, Tullia)

Track length0:36

Act III Final Scene: Recitative: Caio infierito … (Caio in a rage … ) (Ottone, Decio, Cleonilla, Caio, Tullia)

Track length3:42

Act III Final Scene: Grande e il contento (Great and heartfelt) (Chorus)

Track length0:48