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Slavonic Farewell

Slavonic Farewell

Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Army, Vjatcheslav Korobko



Usually despatched in 8 - 10 working days


Glinka: Travel Song (Poputnaya pesnya) (Kukol'nik) from A Farewell to St Petersburg 1840

  • Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Army
  • Vjatcheslav Korobko

Shaporin: Soldier's Song (from The Decembrists)

  • Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Army
  • Vjatcheslav Korobko

Knipper: Polyushko-pole (Field)

  • Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Army
  • Vjatcheslav Korobko

Knipper: Po dolinam i po vzgor'yam (Along the valleys and mountains)

  • Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Army
  • Vjatcheslav Korobko

Knipper: Dontsy-molodtsy (Dancing Lads)

  • Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Army
  • Vjatcheslav Korobko

Knipper: Utes (Rock)

  • Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Army
  • Vjatcheslav Korobko

Knipper: Ekhal kazak za Dunaj (The cossack was riding over Dunai)

  • Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Army
  • Vjatcheslav Korobko

Knipper: Zhivet moya otrada (My beloved one lives)

  • Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Army
  • Vjatcheslav Korobko

Knipper: Ochi chernye (Black Eyes)

  • Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Army
  • Vjatcheslav Korobko

Knipper: Dvenadtsat' razbojnikov (Twelve Robbers)

  • Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Army
  • Vjatcheslav Korobko

Knipper: Odnozvuchno zvenit kolokol'chik (The bell is ringing monotonously)

  • Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Army
  • Vjatcheslav Korobko

Knipper: Zapryagu ya trojku borzykh (I will harness a troika of swift steeds)

  • Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Army
  • Vjatcheslav Korobko

Knipper: Procshanie slavyanki (Slavyanka partying)

  • Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Army
  • Vjatcheslav Korobko

Mussorgsky: Raskhodilas', razgulyalas' udal' molodetskaya (from Boris Godunov)

  • Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Army
  • Vjatcheslav Korobko