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William Christie & Les Arts Florissants - In Celebration

30th Anniversary Collection

Les Arts Florissants, William Christie

No digital booklet included


Excerpt, Monteverdi: Vespro della beata Vergine (1610)

Work length21:44
  • Les Arts Florissants, Les Sacqueboutiers de Toulouse
  • William Christie

I "Deus in adjutorium"

Track length2:16

III "Nigra sum"

Track length4:30

V "Pulchra es"

Track length3:53

VII "Nisi Dominus"

Track length4:46

X "Duo Seraphim"

Track length6:19

India: Madrigals, Book 8

Work length3:22
  • François Piolino (tenor), Maryseult Wieczorek (mezzo-soprano), Marysault Wieczorek (mezzo-soprano), Matthieu Lécroart (baritone), Steve Dugardin (contralto), Stéphanie Révidat (soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants, Les Arts Florissants, Orlando Gibbons
  • William Christie

"Alme luci beate"

Track length1:02

"Lo vi lascio, mie scorte"

Track length2:20

India: Madrigals, Book 5 : "Sospir che del bel petto"

Work length2:26
  • Les Arts Florissants, Les Arts Florissants, Orlando Gibbons
  • William Christie

India: Madrigals, Book 1 : "Crud' Amarilli"

Work length2:59
  • Les Arts Florissants, Les Arts Florissants, Orlando Gibbons
  • William Christie

Charpentier, M-A: La Pierre Philosophale, H.501

Work length8:01
  • Les Arts Florissants (vocal & instrumental ensemble)
  • William Christie

I Choeur des quatre éléments

Track length1:31

II Menuet pour la petite gnomide

Track length2:02

III Chanson du sylphe

Track length2:12

IV Duo pour le feu et l'eau

Track length0:42

V Choeur des quatre éléments & croissez

Track length1:34

Charpentier, M-A: "Ah! qu'ils sont courts les beaux jours" H442

Work length1:03
  • Les Arts Florissants (vocal & instrumental ensemble)
  • William Christie

Charpentier, M-A: "Charmantes fleurs, naissez" H449b

Work length3:15
  • Les Arts Florissants (vocal & instrumental ensemble)
  • William Christie

Charpentier, M-A: "Quoi! rien ne peut vous arrêter?" H462

Work length2:08
  • Les Arts Florissants (vocal & instrumental ensemble)
  • William Christie

Charpentier, M-A: "Sans frayeur dans ce bois" H467

Work length2:12
  • Les Arts Florissants (vocal & instrumental ensemble)
  • William Christie

Landi, S: Il Sant'Alessio

Work length11:44
  • Maryseult Wieczorek (mezzo-soprano), Patricia Petibon (soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Prologue Sinfonia

Track length2:32

Prologue "Chiaro giorno lieta sorte" [Chorus]

Track length0:48

Prologue "Né fur solo i miei Figli"

Track length3:53

Prologue "Già fastosa Guerriera" [Chorus]

Track length1:06

Act 2 "O Morte gradita" [Sant'Alessio]

Track length3:25

Charpentier, M-A: La Descente d'Orphée aux enfers

Work length16:34
  • Kátalin Karolyi (contralto), Sophie Daneman (soprano), Paul Agnew (tenor), Patricia Petibon (soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Overture to Act 1

Track length2:53

Act 1 "Inventons mille jeux divers" [Daphnée, Chorus] Entrée des nymphes "Ruisseau qui dans ce beau séjour" [Enone, Aréthuze]

Track length4:07

Act 1 "Compagnes fidèles" [Euridice]

Track length3:15

Act 1 "Soutiens-moi, chère Enone" [Euridice] "Qu'ai-je entendu, que vois-je?" [Orphée]

Track length1:12

Act 1 "Ah! Bergers, c'en est fait" [Orphée]

Track length2:50

Act 1 Entrée de nymphes et de bergers désespérés "Lâche amant" [Orphée]

Track length2:17

Charpentier, M-A: Médée, Prologue

Work length4:28
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Overture to Act 1

Track length1:54


Track length2:34

Charpentier, M-A: Médée, Act 1

Work length9:17
  • Bernard Delétré (bass), Jean-Marc Salzmann (bass-baritone), Mark Padmore (tenor)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

"Que d'épais bataillons, sur nos rêves descendent" (Créon, Jason, Oronte, Chorus)

Track length3:01

Rondeau des Corinthiens

Track length1:14

"Quel bonheur suit la tendresse" (Chorus)

Track length2:46

"Que d'épais"

Track length1:40


Track length0:36

Charpentier, M-A: Médée, Act 3

Work length11:44
  • Lorraine Hunt Lieberson (soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

"Noires filles du Stix" (Médée, Chorus)

Track length1:22

"L'Enfer obéit à ta voix" (Chorus)

Track length1:48

"Je vois le don fatal" (Médée, Chorus)

Track length0:47

Premier Air pour les Démons

Track length1:30

"Dieu du Cocyte et des Royaumes sombres" (Médée, Chorus)

Track length3:44

Seconde entrée des Démons

Track length2:33

Excerpt, Purcell: Dido and Aeneas

Work length12:23
  • Véronique Gens (soprano), Jean-Paul Fouchécourt (tenor), Sophie Marin-Degor (soprano)
  • Choeur des Arts Florissants, Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie


Track length1:53

Act I "Shake the cloud from off your brow" [Belinda, Chorus]

Track length1:03

Act I "Ah Belinda, I am press'd with torment" [Dido]

Track length3:38

Act I "Grief increases by concealing" [Belinda, Dido] "When monarchs unite, how happy their state" [Chorus]

Track length0:42

Act I "The Triumphing Dance"

Track length1:09

Act 3 "Come away" [Sailor, Chorus] "The Sailors' Dance"

Track length2:23

Act 3 "The Witches' Dance"

Track length1:35

Purcell: When I am laid in earth (from Dido and Aeneas)

Work length3:54
  • Véronique Gens (soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Excerpt, Purcell: King Arthur, Z628

Work length7:05
  • Susannah Waters (soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Overture to Act 1

Track length1:53


Track length1:03

Act 1 "Brave souls, to be renown'd in story" [Chorus]

Track length2:46

Act 3 Prelude

Track length0:24

Act 3 "What ho! thou genius of this isle" [Soprano]

Track length0:59

Purcell: King Arthur, Act 3: "What power art thou" [Bass]

Work length4:12
  • Petteri Salomaa (bass)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Excerpt, Purcell: King Arthur, Z628

Work length11:23
  • Susannah Waters (soprano), Petteri Salomaa (bass), Véronique Gens (soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Act 3 "Thou doting fool" [Soprano]

Track length0:37

Act 3 "Great love, I know thee now" [Bass]

Track length0:55

Act 3 "No part of my dominion" [Soprano]

Track length0:56

Act 3 Prelude

Track length0:44

Act 3 "See, see, we assemble" [Chorus] Dance

Track length1:27

Act 3 "Tis I that have warm'd ye" [Soprano] "Tis love that has warm'd us" [Chorus]

Track length1:59

Act 5 "Fairest Isle" [Soprano]

Track length4:45

Charpentier, M-A: In nativitatem Domini canticum, H. 416

Work length9:35
  • Cyril Auvity (countertenor)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

III Nuit

Track length4:12

IV Réveil des bergers

Track length0:15

V. "Coeli aperti sunt"

Track length0:13

VI. "Nolite timere pastores"

Track length2:40

VII. "Gloria in altissimis Deo"

Track length2:15

Charpentier, M-A: Les Plaisirs de Versailles

Work length6:23
  • Sophie Daneman (soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie


Track length1:57

"Que tout cède aux douceurs de mes accords charmants" [La Musique, Chorus]

Track length3:48


Track length0:38

Rameau: Hippolyte et Aricie

Work length29:01
  • Bertrand Bontoux (bass), Yann Beuron (tenor), Nathan Berg (bass), Lorraine Hunt Lieberson (mezzo-soprano), Gaëlle Mechaly (soprano), Christopher Josey (tenor), François Piolino (tenor), Laurent Naouri (bass), Matthieu Lécroart (baritone)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Act 2 "Pluton commande" [Chorus]

Track length4:55

Act 2 "Dieux! que d'infortunés gémissent dans ces lieux!" [Theseus, Tisiphone, 3 Fates]

Track length1:32

Act 2 "Du Destin le vouloir suprême" [3 Fates]

Track length1:45

Act 2 "Ah! qu'on daigne du moins" [Theseus]

Track length2:34

Act 2 "Non, Neptune aurait beau t'entendre" [Chorus]

Track length0:54

Act 2 "Neptune vous demande grâce" [Mercury, Chorus]

Track length2:02

Act 2 "Vous, qui de l'avenir percez la nuit profonde" [Pluto, Chorus]

Track length4:23

Act 3 "Cruelle mère des amours" [Phaedre]

Track length5:51

Act 3 Premier et Deuxième Air des Matelots [Chorus]

Track length2:09

Act 3 "L'Amour, comme Neptune" [A sailor girl]

Track length2:56

Rameau: Les Fêtes d'Hébé

Work length20:20
  • Jean-Paul Fouchécourt (tenor), Maryseult Wieczorek (mezzo-soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Prologue Overture to Act 1

Track length4:06

Act 3 Terpsichore, les Nymphes, les Faunes et les Sylvains

Track length0:40

Act 3 Lourée grave

Track length1:23

Act 3 Premier et Deuxième Menuets

Track length2:32

Act 3 Musette

Track length1:30

Act 3 Tambourin en rondeau

Track length1:06

Act 3 "Suivez les lois" [Chorus, Une Bergère, Mercure]

Track length1:54

Act 3 Premier et Deuxième Passepieds

Track length2:17

Act 3 "L'objet qui règne dans mon âme" [Mercure]

Track length4:21

Act 3 Contredanse

Track length0:31

Rameau: Zoroastre

Work length22:14
  • Nathan Berg (baritone), Gaëlle Méchaly (soprano), Mark Padmore (tenor)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Act 3 "Arrêtez, modérez cette fureur extrême" [Abramane]

Track length3:26

Act 3 "Un coeur fier qui brise sa chaîne" [Abramane]

Track length0:57

Act 3 "Osons achever de grands crimes" [Abramane]

Track length2:49

Act 3 "Sommeil, fuis de ce séjour" [Zoroastre] "L'aurore vermeille" [Amélite] "Pour la fête la plus belle" [Amélite, Zoroastre] "De notre flamme mutuelle" [Zoroastre]

Track length3:36

Act 3 "Sommeil, fuis de ce séjour" [Zoroastre]

Track length1:03

Act 3 Entrée de peuples différents

Track length1:31

Act 3 "Mille rayons brillants" [Zoroastre] "Tout se ranime" [Zoroastre, Amélite] "O lumière vive et pure" [Chorus, Zoroastre]

Track length3:49

Act 3 Loure

Track length1:38

Act 3 "Accourez, jeunesse brillante" [Zoroastre]

Track length2:06

Act 3 Entrée des Montagnards

Track length1:19

Excerpt, Handel: Orlando

Work length17:50
  • Rosa Mannion (soprano), Patricia Bardon (mezzo-soprano), Rosemary Joshua (soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Overture - I Lentement

Track length3:21

Overture - II Allegro

Track length1:46

Act 2 "Quando spieghi i tuoi tormenti" [Dorinda]

Track length3:36

Act 3 "Finché prendi ancora il sangue" [Angelica, Orlando]

Track length2:37

Act 3 "Vieni!" [Orlando, Angelica] "Già per la man d'Orlando" [Orlando]

Track length1:40

Act 3 "Già l'ebro mio ciglio" [Orlando]

Track length4:50

Excerpt, Handel: Alcina

Work length25:05
  • Renée Fleming (soprano), Natalie Dessay (soprano), Susan Graham (mezzo-soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie


Track length2:55


Track length1:06


Track length1:51

Act 1 "Tornami a vagheggiar" [Morgana]

Track length5:00

Act 3 "Sta nell'Ircana" [Ruggiero]

Track length5:53

Act 3 "Mi restano le lagrime" [Alcina]

Track length8:20

Excerpt, Handel: Acis and Galatea

Work length16:45
  • Paul Agnew (tenor), Sophie Daneman (soprano), Alan Ewing (bass), Andrew Sinclair (tenor), David Le Monnier (baritone), François Piolino (tenor), Joseph Cornwell (tenor), Patricia Petibon (soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Act 1 Sinfonia

Track length3:15

Act 1 "Love in her eyes sits playing" [Acis]

Track length6:11

Act 1 "As when the dove laments her love" [Galatea]

Track length6:08

Act 1 "Happy we!" [Chorus]

Track length1:11

Excerpt, Handel: Theodora, HWV 68

Work length17:51
  • Juliette Galstian (mezzo-soprano), Sophie Daneman (soprano)
  • Chœur des Arts Florissants, Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Overture to Part I - Allegro

Track length3:04

Overture to Part I - Trio

Track length1:33

Overture to Part I - Courante

Track length1:39

Part I "As with rosy steps the morn" [Irene]

Track length5:57

Part I "All pow'r in Heav'n above" [Chorus]

Track length2:18

Part I "Angels, ever bright and fair" [Theodora]

Track length3:20

Henry Desmarets: Desmarest

Work length17:01
  • Arnaud Marzorati (bass), Laurent Slaars (baritone), Paul Agnew (tenor), Rebecca Ockenden (soprano), Sophie Daneman (soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Usquequo Domine : I "Usquequo Domine"

Track length6:47

Domine, ne in furore : VII "Turbatus est a furore"

Track length1:56

Domine, ne in furore : VIII "Discedite a me omnes"

Track length2:05

Domine, ne in furore : IX "Exaudivit"

Track length2:39

Domine, ne in furore : X "Erubescant"

Track length3:34

Couperin, F: Troisieme lecon de Tenebres pour le Mercredy Saint

Work length11:33
  • Patricia Petibon (soprano), Sophie Daneman (soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

I Yod

Track length1:42

II Caph

Track length1:45

III Lamed

Track length2:37

IV Mem

Track length1:45

V Nun

Track length1:54

VI Jerusalem

Track length1:50

Rameau: In Convertendo, grand motet

Work length11:31
  • Nicolas Rivenq (baritone), Sophie Daneman (soprano), Paul Agnew (tenor)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

V "Laudate nomen Dei cum cantico" [Soprano, Chorus]

Track length4:04

VI "Qui seminant in lacrimis" [Soprano, Tenor, Baritone]

Track length2:18

VII "Euntes ibant et flebant" [Chorus]

Track length5:09

Rameau: Deus noster refugium : III "Sonuerunt et turbatae sunt" [Soprano, Baritone, Bass, Chorus]

Work length3:31
  • Nicolas Cavallier (bass), Nicolas Rivenq (baritone), Sophie Daneman (soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Mondonville: Dominus regnavit : IV. Elevaverunt flumina

Work length4:10
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Mondonville: In exitu Israel

Work length2:48
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Mondonville: In exitu Israel

Work length8:25
  • François Bazola (bass)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

"Mare vivit"

Track length1:14

"Jordanis conversus est retrorsum"

Track length2:15

VI "A facie Domini"

Track length4:56

Excerpt, Mozart: Mass in C minor, K427 'Great'

Work length9:30
  • Patricia Petibon (soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants, Les Sacqueboutiers de Toulouse
  • William Christie

I Kyrie

Track length7:15

II Gloria in excelsis

Track length2:15

Excerpt, Mozart: Requiem in D minor, K626

Work length9:14
  • Anna Maria Panzarella (soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

I Introitus

Track length5:12

II Kyrie

Track length2:15

III Dies irae

Track length1:47

Excerpt, Mozart: Die Zauberflöte, K620

Work length22:17
  • Anton Scharinger (baritone), Hans Peter Blochwitz (tenor), Natalie Dessay (soprano), Reinhard Hagen (bass), Rosa Mannion (soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants, Maîtrise de l'Opéra de Lyon
  • William Christie


Track length5:57

Act 1 "Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja" [Papageno]

Track length3:02

Act 1 "O zittre nicht, mein lieber Sohn" [Königin der Nacht]

Track length4:44

Act 1 "Bei Männern, welche Liebe fühlen" [Pamina, Papageno]

Track length2:55

Act 1 "Wie stark ist nicht dein Zauberton" [Tamino]

Track length2:54

Act 2 "O Isis und Osiris" [Sarastro, Chorus]

Track length2:45

Excerpt, Rameau: La Guirlande

Work length13:38
  • Paul Agnew (tenor), Sophie Daneman (soprano)
  • Cappella Coloniensis des WDR, Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Air gracieux

Track length1:32

"Hâtons-nous..." [Chorus]

Track length0:38


Track length1:36

Air gracieux, tambourins

Track length2:49

"Vole, Amour" [Zélide, Myrtil, Chorus]

Track length5:59


Track length1:04

Excerpt, Rameau: Zéphyre

Work length8:31
  • Gaëlle Méchaly (soprano), Rebecca Ockenden (soprano), Sophie Decaudaveine (soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants, Cappella Coloniensis des WDR
  • William Christie

"Quels sons! Quelle vive lumière" [Zéphyre, Cloris] "Rassurez-vous, je cède" [Diane]

Track length2:20


Track length1:15


Track length2:16

"Amour, sois le Dieu de nos âmes" [Zéphyre, Flore, Chorus]

Track length1:55


Track length0:45

Lully: Psyché

Work length2:39
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie


Track length0:52

"Chantons les plaisirs charmants" [Chorus]

Track length1:47

Lully: Isis : "Aimez, profitez du temps" [Nymphs]

Work length1:25
  • Emmanuelle Halimi (soprano), Isabelle Obadia (soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Lully: Isis : Prelude "L'hiver qui nous tourmente" [Chorus] "Laizzez-moi, cruelle Furie!" [Io, La Furie] "Ah! quelle peine de trembler" [Chorus]

Work length4:07
  • Paul Agnew (countertenor), Sophie Daneman (soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Lully: Isis : "Que le feu des forges s'allume" [Chorus] "Quel déluge de feu" [Io, La Furie, Chorus]

Work length3:01
  • Paul Agnew (countertenor), Sophie Daneman (soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Excerpt, Mozart: Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K384

Work length21:22
  • Ian Bostridge (tenor), Christine Schäfer (soprano), Alan Ewing (bass), Iain Paton (tenor), Patricia Petibon (soprano)
  • Les Arts Florissants
  • William Christie

Overture to Act 1

Track length4:02

Act 1 "Hier soll ich dich denn sehen" "Aber wie soll ich in den Palast kommen" [Belmonte]

Track length2:25

Act 1 "Ach, ich liebe, war so glücklich!" [Konstanze]

Track length6:08

Act 2 "Wenn der Freude Tränen fliessen" [Belmonte]

Track length4:53

Act 3 "Nie werd' ich deine Huld verkennen" [Belmonte, Konstanze, Blonde, Pedrillo, Osmin, Chorus]

Track length3:54