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Handel: Messiah

Choir of King’s College, Cambridge & Brandenburg Consort, Stephen Cleobury

No digital booklet included


Handel: Messiah

Work length2:13:44
  • John Mark Ainsley (tenor), Alastair Miles (bass), Hilary Summers (contralto), Lynne Dawson (soprano), Crispian Steele-Perkins (trumpet)
  • Choir of King's College Cambridge, The Brandenburg Consort
  • Stephen Cleobury

Part I: Sinfonia

Track length3:02

Part I: Comfort ye my people (Tenor)

Track length2:51

Part I: Ev'ry valley shall be exalted (Tenor)

Track length3:20

Part I: And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed (Chorus)

Track length2:51

Part I: Thus saith the Lord of Hosts (Bass)

Track length1:19

Part I: But who may abide the day of His coming (Alto)

Track length4:04

Part I: And He shall purify (Chorus)

Track length2:29

Part I: Behold, a virgin shall conceive (Alto)

Track length0:23

Part I: O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (Alto, Chorus)

Track length5:18

Part I: For behold, darkness shall cover the earth (Bass)

Track length2:01

Part I: The people that walked in darkness (Bass)

Track length3:17

Part I: For unto us a child is born (Chorus)

Track length4:04

Part I: Pifa (Pastoral Symphony)

Track length2:30

Part I: There were shepards (Soprano)

Track length0:30

Part I: And the angel said unto them (Soprano)

Track length0:31

Part I: And suddenly there was with the angel (Soprano)

Track length0:16

Part I: Glory to God in the highest (Chorus)

Track length1:52

Part I: Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (Soprano)

Track length4:16

Part I: Then shall the eyes of the blind be open'd (Soprano)

Track length0:24

Part I: He shall feed His flock like a shepherd (Soprano)

Track length4:34

Part I: His yoke is easy, his burthen is light (Chorus)

Track length2:20

Part II: Behold, The Lamb of God (Chorus)

Track length2:17

Part II: He was despised (Alto)

Track length9:50

Part II: Surely, He hath borne our griefs (Chorus)

Track length1:42

Part II: And with His stripes we are healed (Chorus)

Track length1:47

Part II: All we like sheep have gone astray (Chorus)

Track length3:43

Part II: Recitative: All they that see Him (Tenor)

Track length0:40

Part II: He trusted in God (Chorus)

Track length2:18

Part II: Thy rebuke hath broken His heart (Tenor)

Track length1:48

Part II: Behold, and see if there be any sorrow (Tenor)

Track length1:21

Part II: He was cut off out of the land of the living (Soprano)

Track length0:17

Part II: But Thou didst not leave His soul in hell (Soprano)

Track length2:20

Part II: Lift up your heads, O ye gates (Chorus)

Track length2:58

Part II: Unto which of the Angels (Tenor)

Track length0:18

Part II: Let all the angels of God worship Him (Chorus)

Track length1:27

Part II: Thou art gone up on high (Alto)

Track length3:11

Part II: The Lord gave the word (Chorus)

Track length1:04

Part II: How beautiful are the feet (Soprano)

Track length2:02

Part II: Their sound is gone out into all lands (Chorus)

Track length1:29

Part II: Why do the nations so furiously rage together (Bass)

Track length1:25

Part II: Let us break their bonds asunder (Chorus)

Track length1:43

Part II: He that dwelleth in heaven (Tenor)

Track length0:11

Part II: Thou shalt break them (Tenor)

Track length1:58

Part II: Hallelujah (Chorus)

Track length3:35

Part III: I know that my redeemer liveth (Soprano)

Track length5:47

Part III: Since by man came death (Chorus)

Track length2:02

Part III: Behold, I tell you a mystery (Bass)

Track length0:34

Part III: The trumpet shall sound (Bass)

Track length8:30

Part III: Then shall be brought to pass the saying (Alto)

Track length0:16

Part III: O death, where is thy sting (Alto, Tenor)

Track length1:02

Part III: But thanks be to God (Chorus)

Track length2:02

Part III: If God be for us (Soprano)

Track length5:06

Part III: Worthy is the Lamb that was slain … Amen (Chorus)

Track length6:49