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A E Housman - A Shropshire Lad

Complete in verse and song

Alan Bates (reader), Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

This release includes a digital booklet


A Shropshire Lad

Work length1:50
  • Alan Bates (narrator)

I. 1887

Track length1:50

Excerpt, Butterworth, G: A Shropshire Lad - six songs

Work length3:15
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

I. Loveliest of trees

Track length3:15

A Shropshire Lad

Work length2:21
  • Alan Bates (narrator)

III. The Recruit

Track length1:14

IV. Reveille

Track length1:07

C W Orr: Three Songs from A Shropshire Lad

Work length4:40
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

III. Oh see how thick the goldcup flowers

Track length4:40

Butterworth, G: Bredon Hill and other songs

Work length2:02
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

III. When the lad for longing sighs

Track length2:02

A Shropshire Lad

Work length4:32
  • Alan Bates (narrator)

VII. When smoke stood up from Ludlow

Track length1:24

VIII. Farewell to barn and stack and tree

Track length1:11

IX. On moonlit heath and lonesome bank

Track length1:32

X. March

Track length0:25

Ireland: The Heart’s desire

Work length2:33
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

A Shropshire Lad

Work length0:38
  • Alan Bates (narrator)

XI. On your midnight pallet lying

Track length0:38

C W Orr: A Cycle of Seven Songs from A Shropshire Lad

Work length3:17
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

II. When I watch the living meet

Track length3:17

Excerpt, Butterworth, G: A Shropshire Lad - six songs

Work length1:24
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

II. When I was one-and-twenty

Track length1:24

A Shropshire Lad

Work length1:02
  • Alan Bates (narrator)

XIV. There pass the careless people

Track length1:02

Excerpt, Butterworth, G: A Shropshire Lad - six songs

Work length2:18
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

III. Look not in my eyes

Track length2:18

A Shropshire Lad

Work length0:29
  • Alan Bates (narrator)

XVI. It nods and curtseys and recovers

Track length0:29

Ireland: The Land of Lost Content

Work length1:13
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

III. Goal and wicket

Track length1:13

A Shropshire Lad

Work length2:05
  • Alan Bates (narrator)

XVIII. Oh, when I was in love with you

Track length0:24

XIX. To an athlete dying young

Track length1:41

Moeran: Oh fair enough are sky and plain

Work length2:21
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

Butterworth, G: Bredon Hill and other songs

Work length4:44
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

I. Bredon Hill

Track length4:44

Ireland: The Land of Lost Content

Work length1:23
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

V. The Encounter

Track length1:23

Excerpt, Butterworth, G: A Shropshire Lad - six songs

Work length2:05
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

V. The lads in their hundreds

Track length2:05

A Shropshire Lad

Work length0:35
  • Alan Bates (narrator)

XXIV. Say, lad, have you things to do?

Track length0:35

C W Orr: This time of year

Work length2:20
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

A Shropshire Lad

Work length1:03
  • Alan Bates (narrator)

XXVI. Along the field as we came by

Track length1:03

Excerpt, Butterworth, G: A Shropshire Lad - six songs

Work length3:46
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

VI. Is my team ploughing?

Track length3:46

A Shropshire Lad

Work length2:00
  • Alan Bates (narrator)

XXVIII. The Welsh Marches

Track length2:00

Ireland: The Land of Lost Content

Work length2:37
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

I. The Lent Lily

Track length2:37

A Shropshire Lad

Work length2:44
  • Alan Bates (narrator)

XXX. Others, I am not the first

Track length0:56

XXXI. On Wenlock Edge the wood's in trouble

Track length1:10

XXXII. From far, from eve and morning

Track length0:38

Ireland: The Land of Lost Content

Work length2:31
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

IV. The vain desire

Track length2:31

A Shropshire Lad

Work length1:13
  • Alan Bates (narrator)

XXXIV. The new mistress

Track length1:13

Butterworth, G: Bredon Hill and other songs

Work length3:42
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

IV. On the idle hill of summer

Track length3:42

Horder: White in the moon the long road lies

Work length2:24
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

A Shropshire Lad

Work length2:54
  • Alan Bates (narrator)

XXXVII. As through the wild green hills of Wyre

Track length1:54

XXXVIII. The winds out of the west land blow

Track length1:00

Ireland: Hawthorn Time

Work length1:43
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

C W Orr: Into my heart an air that kills

Work length2:51
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

A Shropshire Lad

Work length8:10
  • Alan Bates (narrator)

XLI. In my own shire, if I was sad

Track length1:41

XLII. The Merry Guide

Track length2:20

XLIII. The Immortal Part

Track length2:29

XLIV. Shot? so quick, so clean an ending?

Track length1:40

Berkeley, L: Five Songs, Op 14 No 3

Work length4:09
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

V. Because I liked you better

Track length2:34

III. He would not stay for me

Track length1:35

A Shropshire Lad

Work length5:16
  • Alan Bates (narrator)

XLV. If it chance your eye offend you

Track length0:32

XLVI. Bring, in this timeless grave to throw

Track length1:13

XLVII. The Carpenter's Son

Track length1:49

XLVIII. Be still, my soul, be still

Track length1:42

Excerpt, Butterworth, G: A Shropshire Lad - six songs

Work length1:26
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

IV. Think no more, lad

Track length1:26

A Shropshire Lad

Work length2:43
  • Alan Bates (narrator)

L. In valleys of springs and rivers

Track length1:23

LI. Loitering with a vacant eye

Track length1:20

Moeran: Far in a western brookland

Work length2:43
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

A Shropshire Lad

Work length1:48
  • Alan Bates (narrator)

LIII. The True Lover

Track length1:48

Barber: Three Songs, Op. 2

Work length1:19
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

II. With rue my heart is laden

Track length1:19

A Shropshire Lad

Work length1:44
  • Alan Bates (narrator)

LV. Westward on the high-hilled plains

Track length0:48

LVI. The Day of Battle

Track length0:56

Ireland: The Land of Lost Content

Work length1:39
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

VI. Epilogue

Track length1:39

A Shropshire Lad

Work length0:26
  • Alan Bates (narrator)

LVIII. When I came last to Ludlow

Track length0:26

C W Orr: The Isle of Portland

Work length3:50
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

A Shropshire Lad

Work length0:26
  • Alan Bates (narrator)

LX. Now hollow fires burn out to black

Track length0:26

C W Orr: A Cycle of Seven Songs from A Shropshire Lad

Work length3:05
  • Anthony Rolfe Johnson (tenor), Graham Johnson (piano)

VI. Hughley Steeple

Track length3:05

A Shropshire Lad

Work length4:52
  • Alan Bates (narrator)

LXII. Terence, this is stupid stuff

Track length3:56

LXIII. I hoed and trenched and weeded

Track length0:56