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Herman Melville - Bartleby and other stories


read by William Roberts

No digital booklet included


Bartleby the Scrivener

Work length1:37:18

I am a rather elderly man

Track length4:03

Some time prior to the period at which this little history begins...

Track length3:12

There are many singular coincidences I have known...

Track length3:03

‘With submission, sir,’ said Turkey...

Track length2:51

Among the manifestations of his diseased ambition...

Track length2:40

Though concerning the self-indulgent habits of Turkey...

Track length3:22

Now my original business – that of conveyancer...

Track length2:09

At first Bartleby did an extraordinary quantity of writing...

Track length3:57

A few days after this, Bartleby concluded...

Track length2:45

It is not seldom the case that when a man is browbeaten...

Track length3:39

Nothing so aggravates an earnest person as a passive resistance…

Track length3:37

‘Bartleby’, said I, ‘Ginger Nut is away...’

Track length2:25

As days passed on, I became considerably reconciled...

Track length3:09

Now, the utterly unsurmised appearance of Bartleby...

Track length3:22

For the first time in my life a feeling of overpowering...

Track length3:16

Revolving all these things, and coupling them...

Track length3:46

It was rather weak in me I confess...

Track length3:40

As he opened the folding-door to retire...

Track length3:20

At length, necessities connected with my business...

Track length5:12

As I had intended, I was rather earlier than usual...

Track length3:14

‘Will you, or will you not, quit me?’

Track length3:14

I endeavored also immediately to occupy myself...

Track length4:43

‘Ere revolving any complicated project, however...

Track length2:40

On the appointed day I engaged carts and men...

Track length1:59

‘I am very sorry, sir’ said I...

Track length3:08

‘Now one of two things must take place.’

Track length2:38

I answered nothing...

Track length3:18

Being under no disgraceful charge...

Track length3:02

‘How’s this?’ said the grub-man...

Track length3:01

There would seem little need for proceeding further in this history...

Track length2:53

The Lightning-Rod Man

Work length18:25

What grand irregular thunder, thought I...

Track length2:53

‘Sir,’ said I, bowing politely...

Track length3:02

‘I am a dealer in lightning-rods’, said the stranger...

Track length3:09

’Crash! Only three pulses...’

Track length2:51

There was now a little cessation of the storm...

Track length2:39

‘Tall men in a thunder storm I avoid...’

Track length3:51

The Bell-Tower

Work length42:51

In the south of Europe...

Track length3:36

At length the holiday of the tower came...

Track length3:54

His felony remitted by the judge...

Track length3:48

But, being questioned...

Track length4:11

His still, Vulcanic face hiding its burning brightness...

Track length4:16

‘Hark! Is that – a footfall above?’

Track length3:19

Slowly, the day drew on...

Track length5:04

From the mystery unavoidably investing it...

Track length3:15

He still bent his efforts...

Track length4:22

It was thought that on the day preceding the fatality...

Track length3:37

But as the pall-bearers entered the cathedral porch...

Track length3:29