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Special offer. Handel: Apollo e Dafne & Crudel tiranno Amor

Nancy Argenta (soprano), Michael George (bass)

Collegium Musicum 90, Simon Standage

Handel's Apollo e Dafne is a difficult work to put in context. Completed in Hanover in 1710 but possibly begun in Italy, its purpose isn't clear, while, as secular cantatas go, it's long (40... More…


Original price ($17.50) Reduced price $14.35

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This release includes a digital booklet


Handel: Apollo e Dafne, HVW 122

Work length40:22
  • Simon Standage, Collegium Musicum 90, Michael George, Nancy Argenta

I. Recitative. La terra e liberata! (The earth is freed!) (Apollo)

Track length0:44

II. Aria. Pende il ben dell'universo (The well-being of the universe) (Apollo)

Track length3:58

III. Recitative. Ch'il superbetto Amore (Let proud little Cupid) (Apollo)

Track length0:25

IV. Aria. Spezza l'arco e getta l'armi (Break your bow and throw away your arrows) (Apollo)

Track length3:10

V. Aria. Felicissima quest'alma (Most fortunate is this soul) (Dafne)

Track length5:44

VI. Recitative. Che voce! Che belta! (What a voice! What a beauty!) (Apollo, Dafne)

Track length0:47

VII. Aria. Ardi, adori, e preghi in vano (You desire, adore and beseech in vain) (Dafne)

Track length3:22

VIII. Recitative. Che crudel! (How cruel!) (Apollo, Dafne)

Track length0:12

IX. Duet. Una guerra ho dentro il seno (A war rages in my breast) (Dafne, Apollo)

Track length1:58

X. Recitative. Placati al fin, o cara (Calm yourself, O dear one) (Apollo)

Track length0:23

XI. Aria. Come rosa in su la spina (Like the rose on its stem) (Apollo)

Track length3:03

XII. Recitative. Ah! ch'un Dio non dovrebbe (Ah! A God should love nothing) (Dafne)

Track length0:23

XIII. Aria. Come in ciel benigna stella (As Neptune's star in heaven) (Dafne)

Track length3:55

XIV. Recitative. Odi la mia ragion! (Hear my reason!) (Apollo, Dafne)

Track length0:21

XV. Duet. Deh! lascia addolcire quell'aspro rigor (Pray! Soften your unbending severity) (Apollo, Dafne)

Track length2:29

XVI. Recitativo. Sempre t'adorero! (I shall always adore you!) (Apollo, Dafne)

Track length0:17

XVII. Aria. Mie piante correte (My feet run) (Apollo)

Track length3:00

XVIII:. Aria. Cara pianta, co'miei pianti (Dearest laurel, with my tears) (Apollo)

Track length6:11

Handel: Crudel tiranno Amor, HWV97

Work length17:34
  • Simon Standage, Collegium Musicum 90, Nancy Argenta

I. Aria. Crudel tiranno Amor (Cruel tyrannous Love)

Track length4:51

II. Recitative. Ma tu mandi al moi core (But you send my heart)

Track length0:28

III. Aria. O dolce mia speranza (O my sweet hope)

Track length7:43

IV. Recitative. Senza te, dolce speme (Without you, sweet hope)

Track length0:39

V. Aria. O cara speme del mio diletto (O dear hope of my delight)

Track length3:53