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Handel: Hercules

Gidon Saks (Hercules), Anne Sofie von Otter (Dejanira), Richard Croft (Hyllus), Lynne Dawson (Iole), David Daniels (Lichas), Marcos Pujol (Priest)

Musiciens du Louvre, Marc Minkowski

Hercules has never quite occupied the place it merits in the Handel canon, even though it includes some of his most powerfully dramatic music. This is understood by Marc Minkowski, whose intentions... More…

This release includes a digital booklet


Handel: Hercules

Work length2:55:37
  • Michel Maldonado (double bass), Lynne Dawson (soprano), Yvon Repérant (harpsichord), David Daniels (alto), Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano), Claire Giardelli (cello), Mirella Giardelli (organ), Gidon Saks (bass), Marcos Pujol (bass), Richard Croft (tenor), Sébastian Rouland (chorus master)
  • Les Musiciens du Louvre, Chorus Of Les Musiciens Du Louvre
  • Marc Minkowski
  • Recorded: 2000-04
  • Recording Venue: Theatre, Salle Molière, Poissy


Track length4:32


Track length2:02

Recit. acc. "See with what sad dejection"

Track length2:01

Aria: "No longer, Fate, relentless frown"

Track length5:45

Recit. acc.: "O Hercules! why art thou absent from me"

Track length0:50

Aria: "The world, when day's career is run"

Track length4:30

Recit: "Princess! be comforted, and hope the best"

Track length1:25

Aria: "I feel, I feel the god"

Track length1:33

Recit.: "He said, the sacred fury left his breast"

Track length0:58

Aria: "There in myrtle shades reclined"

Track length3:21

Recit.: "Despair not; but let rising hope suspend"

Track length0:26

Aria: "Where congealed the northern streams"

Track length1:53

Chorus: "O filial piety! O generous love!"

Track length5:18

Recit.: "Banish your fears!"

Track length0:30

Aria: "Begone, my fears, fly, hence, away"

Track length3:26

Recit: "A train of captives, red with honest wounds"

Track length0:54

Aria: "The smiling hours"

Track length1:20

Chorus: "Let none despair"

Track length2:25


Track length1:49

Recit: "Thanks to the powers above"

Track length1:27

Aria: "My father! Ah! methinks I see"

Track length5:56

Recit.: "Now farewell, arms!"

Track length0:25

Aria: "The god of battle"

Track length2:23

Recit.: "Ah me! How soon the flatterer hope"

Track length0:26

Aria: "Daughter of gods, bright liberty"

Track length5:55

Chorus: "Crown with festal pomp the day"

Track length2:28


Track length1:11

Recit.: "Why was I born a princess"

Track length0:18

Aria: "How blest the maid ordained to dwell"

Track length5:56

Recit.: "It must be so"

Track length0:38

Aria: "When beauty sorrow's liv'ry wears"

Track length2:47

Recit: "Whence this unjust suspicion?"

Track length1:10

Aria: "Ah! think what ills the jealous prove"

Track length5:52

Recit: "It is too sure that Hercules is false"

Track length0:19

Recit.: "In vain you strive"

Track length0:16

Chorus: "Jealousy! Infernal pest"

Track length5:17

Recit: "She knows my passion"

Track length1:45

Aria: "Banish love from thy breast"

Track length2:17

Recit.: "Forgive a passion"

Track length0:10

Aria: "From celestial seats descending"

Track length5:36

Chorus: "Wanton god of amorous fires"

Track length2:03

Recit.: "Yes, I congratulate"

Track length0:44

Aria: "Alcides' name in latest story"

Track length4:47

Recit.: "O glorious pattern of heroic deeds!"

Track length0:29

Aria: "Resign thy club and lion's spoils"

Track length4:55

Recit: "You are deceived! Some villain has belied"

Track length1:29

Aria: "Cease, ruler of the day, to rise"

Track length3:49

Recit: "Some kinder power inspire me to regain"

Track length1:26

Aria: "As stars, that rise and disappear"

Track length3:54

Recit.: "But see, the princess Iole"

Track length1:15

Duet: "Joys of freedom, joys of power"

Track length2:32

Recit.: "Father of Hercules"

Track length0:17

Chorus: "Love and Hymen"

Track length3:55


Track length3:53

Recit: "Ye sons of Trachin, mourn you valiant chief"

Track length1:26

Aria: "O scene of unexampled woe"

Track length3:06

Chorus: "Tyrants now no more shall dread"

Track length4:14

Recit. acc: "O Jove! what land is this"

Track length2:23

Recit: "Great Jove! relieve his pains!"

Track length2:09

Aria: "Let not fame the tidings spread"

Track length4:03

Recit. acc: "Where shall I fly?"

Track length6:13

Recit: "Lo! the fair fatal cause of all this ruin!"

Track length1:16

Aria: "My breast with tender pity swells"

Track length6:49

Recit: "Princess, rejoice! whose heaven-directed hand"

Track length1:46

Aria: "He, who for Atlas prop'd the sky"

Track length1:50

Recit: "Words are too faint"

Track length1:06

Duet: "O prince, whose virtues all admire"

Track length3:26

Recit.: "Ye sons of freedom"

Track length0:17

Chorus: "To him your grateful notes of praise belong"

Track length2:35