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Algernon Ashton

Born: 9th December 1859, Durham, UK

Died: 10th April 1937, London

Nationality: British

Algernon Bennet Langton Ashton was a British composer, pianist, and Professor of piano at the Royal College of Music 1884–1910.

Ashton was born in Durham. He studied at the Leipzig Conservatory as a pupil of Ignaz Moscheles, Carl Reinecke and Theodor Coccius. He later studied at Hoch Conservatory in Frankfurt under Joachim Raff.

He was a prolific composer in many instrumental genres. His published works exceeded 160, but there were many other unpublished works, some of which are lost. These included 24 piano sonatas, one in each key, and 24 string quartets along the same lines.

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