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Vassilis Tsabropoulos

Born: 7th February 1966, Athens, Greece

Nationality: Greek

Vassilis Tsabropoulos is a Greek pianist, conductor, and composer.

As a concert pianist, he has taken the stage with Europe's several important orchestras including, among others, the Philharmonia Orchestra, the Stockholm Philharmonic, the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, the Czech Philharmonic, the Royal concert Phihlarmonic orchestra, Budapest Chamber Orchestrate, Sofia Philharmonic, Italy Radio Orchestra etc. A highlight is his performances with London Philharmonia and Czech Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Vladimir Ashkenazy in piano concertos of Beethoven and Rachmanninof. In October 2019, continuing his long devotion to the great classics, he performed two of the most demanding piano concertos, Beethoven's famous Emperor piano concerto and Mozart's concerto No. 20, appearing both as a soloist and as conductor of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of London.

He has made his first USA tour in October 2004 with a significant critical and popular success

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