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Heinrich von Laufenberg

Born: c. 1390, Laufenberg, Germany

Died: 31st March 1460, Müstair, Switzerland

Nationality: German

Heinrich von Louffenburg was a Swabian priest born at Louffenburg on the Rhein, Germany.

He is best known for his treatise, Versehung des Leibs (Care of the Body), written in 1429. It was published in 1491 as one of four great medical treatises in Pediatric Incunabula, the first known text to be devoted to the normal physiology and common illnesses of children. Louffenburg wrote his treatise in Swabian, his native tongue, instead of the traditional Latin. It is a poem meant to be chanted, as that is how works were often written to aid memorization and the spread of information among those who were not able to read and write.

Later in life, Louffenburg was a dean of St.

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