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Decentralized Music: Exploring Blockchain for Artistic Research

New. Decentralized Music: Exploring Blockchain for Artistic Research

  • Editor: Assis, Paulo de
  • Editor: Lukawski, Adam



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  • Contents
  • List of Contributors
  • Introduction
  • Paulo de Assis and Adam Łukawski
  • Blockchain for Artistic Research?
  • Chapter 1.
  • Paulo de Assis
  • Rethinking Musical Objects in and for Blockchain Technologies: from the Work-concept to Hypermusic
  • Chapter 2.
  • Adam Łukawski
  • Performative Transactions: Artistic Collaboration of Humans and AI Agents in Decentralized Creative Networks
  • Chapter 3.
  • Martin Zeilinger
  • Integrating Generative AI and Blockchain Technologies to Create Musical Objects with Agency
  • Chapter 4.
  • Marcus O’Dair
  • Valuing Web3 music: from NFT prices to the quadruple bottom line
  • Chapter 5.
  • Claudio J. Tessone
  • From blockchains to NFTs: Decentralized (?) platforms for unique (?) content distribution
  • Chapter 6.
  • Diane Drubay
  • Art, People, Museums, and the Promise of Blockchain
  • Chapter 7.
  • Catherine Mulligan
  • Can't Knock the Hustle: NTFs, DAOs and Creativity
  • Chapter 8.
  • Kristof Timmerman
  • Breaking the 5th wall. Stories happen through interaction. Interaction leads to experience.
  • Chapter 9.
  • Einar Einarsson
  • Hypermusic Experiment 0.9: Modelling, Mapping, and Prototyping The Future
  • Chapter 10.
  • Kosmas Giannoutakis
  • Decentralized transindividual collaborative experimental musicking
  • Glossary
  • Index