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Sound and Image: Aesthetics and Practices

Sound and Image: Aesthetics and Practices

  • Editor: Knight-Hill, Andrew



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  • 1. Connected Media, Connected Idioms: The Relationship Between Video and Electroacoustic Music From A Composer's Perspective
  • Diego Garro
  • 2. Sound/Image Relations in Videomusic: A Typological Proposition
  • Myriam Boucher & Jean Piche
  • 3. The Question of Form in Visual Music
  • Maura McDonnell
  • 4. Audiovisual Spaces: Spatiality, Experience and Potentiality in Audiovisual Composition
  • Andrew Knight-Hill
  • 5. Rhythm as The Intermediary of Audiovisual Fusions
  • Daniel Von Rudiger
  • 6. The Curious Case of The Plastic Hair-Comb: A Rhythm-Based Approach to A Parallel (Sound-Image-Touch) Theory of Aesthetic Practices
  • Matthew Galea
  • 7. The Spaces Between Gesture, Sound and Image
  • Mark Pedersen, Brigid Burke Roger Alsop
  • 8. The Gift of Sound and Vision: Visual Music as A Form of Glossolalic Speech
  • Philip Sanderson
  • 9. Visual Music and Embodied Visceral Affect
  • Julie Watkins
  • 10. The Function of Mickey-Mousing: A Re-Assessment
  • Emilio Audissino
  • 11. Performing the Real: Audiovisual Documentary Performances and The Senses
  • Cornelia Lund
  • 12. Blending Image and Music in Jim Jarmusch's Cinema
  • Celine Murillo
  • 13. The New Analogue: Media Archaeology as Creative Practice in 21st-Century Audiovisual Art
  • Joseph Hyde
  • 14. Screen Grammar for Mobile Frame Media: The Audiovisual Language of Cinematic Virtual Reality, Case Studies and Analysis
  • Sam Gillies
  • 15. Nature Morte: Examining the Sonic and Visual Potential of a 16mm film
  • Jim Hobbs
  • 16. Capturing Movement: A Videomusical Approach Sourced in The Natural Environment
  • Myriam Boucher
  • 17. Constructing Visual Music Images with Electroacoustic Music Concepts
  • Maura McDonnell
  • 18. Technique and Audiovisual Counterpoint in The Estuaries Series
  • Bret Battey
  • 19. Exploring Expanded Audiovisual Formats (EAFs) - A Practitioner's Perspective
  • Louise Harris
  • 20. Making A Motion Score: A Graphical and Genealogical Inquiry into A Multi-Screen Cinegraphy
  • Leyokki
  • 21. The Human Body as an Audiovisual Instrument
  • Claudia Robles-Angel
  • 22. Sound - [Object] - Dance: A Holistic Approach to Interdisciplinary Composition
  • Jung In Jung
  • 23. Son e(s)t Lumiere: Expanding Notions of Composition, Transcription and Tangibility Through Creative Sonification Of Digital Images
  • Simon Cummings
  • 24. Audiovisual Heterophony: A Musical Reading of Walter Ruttmann's Film Lichtspiel Opus 3 (1924)
  • Tom Reid