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Aberrant Nuptials: Deleuze and Artistic Research

Aberrant Nuptials: Deleuze and Artistic Research

  • Editor: Assis, Paulo de
  • Editor: Giudici, Paolo



Usually despatched in 5 - 7 working days


  • Introduction
  • Paulo de Assis
  • Part 1: Sonic Nuptials: Sounds and Gestures of Time
  • Deleuze’s Syntheses of Time and Their Aesthetical Prolongations: Form, Style, and Achievement
  • Jean-Marc Chouvel
  • When Sounds Encounter One Another . . .
  • Zsuzsa Baross
  • Geomusic, Ecosophy, and Molecular Oscillators
  • Ronald Bogue
  • East Meets West in France: Catching the Musical Scent
  • Edward Campbell
  • Topography of the (One): Reflections on Musical Time in Composition and Performance
  • Stefan Östersjö, Christer Lindwall, Jörgen Dahlqvist
  • In the (Immanent) Event of Musical-Philosophical Thought
  • Steve Tromans
  • Music as a Reservoir of Thought’s Materialisation: Between Metastaseis and Modulor
  • Marianna Charitonidou
  • Machinic Propositions: Artistic Practice and Deterritorialisation
  • Henrik Frisk, Anders Elberling
  • A Ligetian Way to Make a Piano (or a Piano Piece) Stutter
  • Gustavo Rodrigues Penha
  • When Time Begins To Riot: Rhythm and Syncopation in the Work of Jonathan Burrows and Matteo Fargion
  • Jonas Rutgeerts
  • Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker: An Unbridled Activity of Vital Lines
  • Oleg Lebedev
  • Sonic Forms of Capture
  • Terri Bird
  • Part 2: A Little Treatise on Becomology
  • The Wasp and the Orchid: On Multiplicities and Becomology
  • Anne Sauvagnargues
  • Beyond the Death-Drive, beyond the Life-Drive: Being-toward-Birthing with Being-toward-Birth; Copoiesis and the Matrixial Eros—Metafeminist Notes
  • Bracha L. Ettinger
  • Thought beyond Research: A Deleuzian Critique of Artistic Research
  • Kamini Vellodi
  • An Avant-Garde “Without Authority”: The Posthuman Cosmic Artisan in the Anthropocene
  • jan jagodzinski
  • Pure Immanence and the Algorithmic Era: An Aberrant Nuptial
  • Emilia Marra
  • Mining the Aesthetico-Conceptual: Deleuze, Derrida, and Artistic Research
  • Spencer Roberts
  • Experimenting in Relation to the Anthropocene: An Image of Earth-Thought from a Symptomatic Earth Line
  • Paolo Vignola
  • Logic of Sens/ation: Two Conflicting Conceptions of Transdisciplinarity in Deleuze and Guattari
  • Guillaume Collett
  • Listening for a New Body: Thinking Change and Learning Reason with Difference and Repetition and Spinoza: Practical Philosophy
  • Antonia Pont
  • Outside-Interior: ?Interior
  • Suzie Attiwill
  • Encountering Fashion as a Practice of Subjectivation
  • Andrea Eckersley
  • A Theory of Becoming: Artistic Spatio-Temporal Experiences after Gilles Deleuze, Alain Badiou, and Brian Massumi
  • Liana Psarologaki
  • Part 3: A Garden of Small Nuptials: Images, Movement, and Fabulations
  • Mythopoesis, Fabulous Images, and Memories of a Sorcerer
  • Simon O’Sullivan
  • The Philosopher as a Line: A Deleuzian Perspective on Drawing and the Mobile Image of Thought
  • Janae Sholtz
  • For a Future of the Face: Faciality and Performance in the Dance of Marlene Monteiro Freitas
  • Lucia D’Errico
  • Elegy to an Oz Republic: First Steps in a Ceremony of Invocation towards Reconciliation
  • Barbara Bolt
  • Sound and Image in Artistic Flooding: Vladimir Tarasov, Bill Viola
  • Lilija Duobliene
  • Fictioning a Thought of Performance
  • Tero Nauha
  • Milieus of Locality: The Aesthetic of the Point of View
  • Sara Baranzoni
  • “A Life as an Open Landscape”: Systems of Codetermination in Three Robotic Shows
  • Zornitsa Dimitrova
  • Interspecies Sonification: Deleuze, Ruyer, and Bioart
  • Audronė Žukauskaitė
  • Desire, Temporality, “Liquid Perception”: Deleuze and the Films of Marguerite Duras
  • Katie Pleming
  • Photogenesis—Brokering World
  • Peter Burleigh
  • Sculpture Installation: Garden of Small Nuptials
  • Elizabeth Presa
  • Appendix
  • Notes on Contributors
  • Index