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Multi-Dimensional Therapy with Families, Children and Adults: The Diamond Model

  • Author: Ariel, Shlomo



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  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • Part 1 Theoretical and methodological foundations
  • Chapter 1 The Diamond Model - essentials
  • Chapter 2 The sublanguages of information processing, cybernetics and semiotics
  • Chapter 3 The synchronic and diachronic perspectives and the concept of simplicity
  • Part 2 The internal and external subsystems
  • Chapter 4 The internal subsystems
  • Chapter 5 The external subsystems
  • Part 3 Multi-systemic diagnosis
  • Chapter 6 Collecting and analyzing diagnostic data
  • Chapter 7 Organizing the multi-systemic diagnostic data
  • Part 4 Therapy
  • Chapter 8 Planning and carrying out the therapy
  • Chapter 9 The healing power of various therapeutic techniques
  • Chapter 10 Make-believe play as a therapeutic instrument
  • Chapter 11 Monitoring the therapeutic process
  • Epilogue
  • List of cases, examples and observations
  • Index