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Punk Productions: Unfinished Business

Punk Productions: Unfinished Business

  • Author: Thompson, Stacy



Special import

Estimated despatch time 1 - 2 weeks


  • Acknowledgments
  • Abbreviations and Acronyms
  • Introduction You Are Not What You Own
  • Anti-Capitalism
  • Punk: A Provisional Definition
  • A Desiring Punk/Punk Desire
  • 1. Let's Make a Scene
  • The New York Scene
  • The English Scene
  • California Hardcore Scene
  • Washington, D.C. Hardcore Scene (First Wave Straight Edge)
  • New York Hardcore Scene (Second Wave Straight Edge)
  • Riot Grrrl Scene
  • The Berkeley/Lookout! Pop-Punk Scene
  • Conclusions
  • 2. Punk Aesthetics and the Poverty of the Commodity
  • Punk Versus the Commodity
  • Crass Commodities
  • A Profane Existence
  • Aesthetic Profanity
  • Economic Profanity
  • CrimethInc.
  • From Crass to Profane Existence to CrimethInc. and Beyond
  • 3. Punk Economics and the Shame of Exchangeability
  • The Punk Commodity
  • The Two Poles of the Commodity
  • Collecting Punk/Punk Collecting
  • Viva la Vinyl
  • Displaced Labor
  • The Good Side of the Commodity
  • 4. Market Failure: Punk Economics, Early and Late
  • Early Punk Economics
  • Late Punk Economics
  • Dischord Records and Fugazi
  • Lookout! Records
  • The Failure/Success of Dischord, Fugazi, and Lookout!
  • 5. Screening Punk
  • Punk Cinema?
  • The Punk Marquee: What's Showing?
  • At the Bijoux: Rude Boy
  • In the Mall Cineplex: Fight Club
  • Dénouement
  • Epilogue: Beyond Punk
  • Punk's Not Dead
  • Notes
  • References
  • Index