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Logic of Experimentation: Reshaping Music Performance in and through Artistic Research

Logic of Experimentation: Reshaping Music Performance in and through Artistic Research

  • Author: Assis, Paulo de



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  • Preface: A Transdisciplinary Conjuncture
  • Introduction: Experimentation versus Interpretation
  • Part 1. Assemblage Theory for Music
  • Chapter 1: Virtual Works—Actual Things
  • Rasch — The limits of music philosophy and the role of artistic
  • research — Music ontologies: some problems — Beyond
  • transcendence: approaching a Deleuzian ontology — Virtual
  • works, actual things: towards a new image of musical work —
  • Strata — Rasch25: . . . vers la nuit
  • Chapter 2 : Assemblage, Strata, Diagram
  • Musical works as assemblages — Agencement, logic of assemblage,
  • assemblage theory — Intermezzo: a note on translation —
  • From structure to assemblage — Strata — Diagram — Logic of
  • assemblage
  • Part 2: Experimental Systems in Music
  • Chapter 3: Experimental Systems and Artistic Research
  • An epistemology for artistic research? — A methodology for
  • artistic research — Hans-Jörg Rheinberger’s experimental systems
  • — Thought collective and ensembles of experimental systems:
  • MusicExperiment21 — Series of experiments and modules of
  • research
  • Chapter 4: Epistemic Complexity in Music Performance
  • Complexity and epistemic complexity — Epistemic complexity
  • in biology — Epistemic complexity in technology — Epistemic
  • complexity in music — Experimentation in music performance:
  • how to make the future?
  • Part 3. Beyond Interpretation: Bodies-in-Action
  • Chapter 5: Transduction and the Body as a Transducer
  • Transduction in music performance: relaying f lows of intensities;
  • — Gilbert Simondon’s various definitions of transduction —
  • Discharge (potentiality); — Passage (time and temporality);
  • — Energy (thermodynamics): potential, scales, entropy
  • — Information theory: structural germs and singularities
  • (structuration) — Haecceity: from haecceitas (Duns Scotus) to
  • eccéité (Simondon) to heccéité (Deleuze and Guattari) to microhaecceity
  • — Topology: in-formation — Corporeality: somatic
  • transduction — Permanent transduction: being-in-the-world and
  • fluctuatio animi; 11. Conclusion
  • Chapter 6: Rasch26 : The Somatheme
  • The somatheme — Roland Barthes at the piano: musica practica —
  • The impact of Julia Kristeva: phenotext and genotext —
  • New musical concepts: geno-song, pheno-song, somatheme —
  • Intermezzo: fourteen somathemes — The impact of Jacques
  • Lacan: signifier and jouissance — Lacan’s desire — Situating the
  • somatheme within Lacan’s graphs of desire — Conclusion: artistic
  • research and transdisciplinarity
  • Part 4. A New Ethics of Performance
  • Chapter 7: The Emancipated Performer:
  • Musical Renderings and Power Relations
  • Music performance and power relations — The dominant image
  • of work and the problem of interpretation — The tacit authorities:
  • Deleuze’s “Postscript on the Societies of Control” — Nietzsche’s
  • three modes of relation to history: monumental, antiquarian,
  • critical — A new image of work — The emancipated performer
  • Chapter 8. . . . at the borders of time that surround our presence . . .
  • What is the contemporary? — Agamben’s contemporary: Barthes
  • reading Nietzsche — Nietzsche’s untimely: lost in translation —
  • . . . at the border of time that surrounds our presence . . . — Artistic
  • research as the carrier of the contemporary
  • Appendix 1: Beyond Urtext: A Dynamic Conception of Musical Editing
  • On notation and time — The urtext era — Urtext editions: an
  • epistemological obstacle — Critical editing of music and different
  • types of editions — Music editing and performance practice: a
  • dynamic conception
  • Appendix 2: The Conditions of Creation and the Haecceity of Musical Material: Philosophical-Aesthetic Convergences between Helmut Lachenmann and Gilles Deleuze
  • Helmut Lachenmann and Gilles Deleuze: an unconnected
  • connection — Helmut Lachenmann: toward an aestheticostructural
  • methodology — Helmut Lachenmann’s three “theses”
  • on composing — Gilles Deleuze’s diagnostic function of art, capture
  • of forces, and body without organs: first convergences with Helmut
  • Lachenmann — Helmut Lachenmann’s four conditions of the
  • musical material — Gilles Deleuze’s opinion, corporeity, fold, and
  • latitude: further convergences with Helmut Lachenmann — The
  • conditions of creation and the haecceity of musical material: a
  • philosophical-aesthetic Erewhon
  • Acknowledgements
  • Index