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Using Stories, Art, and Play in Trauma-Informed Treatment: Case Examples and Applications Across the Lifespan

  • Author: Pernicano, Pat



Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days


  • Foreword Helen Benedict
  • Acknowledgements
  • Introduction
  • Part I : The Tools of the Trade
  • 1. The Building Blocks of Communication
  • 2. Mining for Gold with Milton Erickson
  • 3. Constructing with Metaphor and Stories
  • 4. The Blueprint of Trauma-Informed Treatment
  • 5. The Integrative Tool Bag
  • Part II : Case Examples and Applications
  • 6. Overview of Case Development Child Cases Using Stories, Art and Play
  • 7. The Bloodthirsty Bats: A Case of Child Sexual Abuse
  • 8. The Alligator Eyes: A Case of Complicated Grief
  • 9. The Boy Whose Sister Said "Fuck:" A Case of Parental Drug Overdose
  • 10. Feed the Alligator: A Case of Sibling Trauma Intervention
  • 11. The House with Many Rooms: A Case of Child Dissociation
  • 12. The Mom of Many Colors: A Case of the Impact of Parental Substance Abuse
  • 13. The Boy with a Hungry Heart: A Case of Maternal Neglect and Abandonment
  • 14. The Wounded Elephant: A Case of Emotional Wounding Adolescent Cases Using Stories, Art and Play
  • 15. Tell Me Who I Am: A Case of Grief and Identity
  • 16. The Zodiac Queen: A Case of Adolescent Dissociation Adult Cases Using Stories, Art and Play
  • 17. The Girl Behind the Brick Wall: A Case of Anxious Avoidant Attachment
  • 18. The Girl Who Lost Her Voice: A Case of Sexual Trauma
  • 19. Grief and the 4 Stones: A Case of the Woman Who Chose to NOT Move On
  • 20. The Mermaid Who Forgot: A Case of Pending Loss
  • 21. The Woman Who Got Rid of a Leech: A Case of Relationship Choices
  • Appendix Resources for Trauma Informed Care Insert: The Meaning of Color in Client Art