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Sound and Score: Essays on Sound, Score, and Notation

Sound and Score: Essays on Sound, Score, and Notation

  • Editor: Assis, Paulo de
  • Editor: Brooks, William
  • Editor: Coessens, Kathleen



Usually despatched in 5 - 7 working days


  • Prelude
  • Paulo de Assis
  • Part I: Score and Idea
  • Chapter 1What I say and What I do: The Role of Composers' Own
  • Performances of Their Scores in Answering Our Research
  • Questions about Their Works and How We Should Interpret Them
  • Jeremy Cox
  • Chapter 2“The Mysterious Whether Seen as Inspiration or as Alchemy”:
  • Some Thoughts on the Limitations of Notation
  • Paul Roberts
  • Chapter 3Artistic Practice, Methodology, and Subjectivity: The “I Can”
  • as Practical Possibility and Original Consciousness
  • Andreas Georg Stascheit
  • Chapter 4From Territories to Transformations: Anton Webern's Piano
  • Variations Op. 27 as a Case Study for Research in-and-through
  • Musical Practice
  • Darla Crispin
  • Interlude I: Exploring Musical Integrity and Experimentation
  • Kathleen Coessens
  • Part II: Mapping the Interface
  • Chapter 5Poem as Score: Finding Melodies for Unnotated
  • Troubadour Songs
  • Robin T. Bier
  • Chapter 6Sound Drifts: The Phenomenon of Stylistic Change
  • in the Interpretation of Fixed Texts
  • Anna Scott
  • Chapter 7Pression Revised: Anatomy of Sound, Notated Energy,
  • and Performance Practice
  • Tanja Orning
  • Chapter 8The In(visible) Sound
  • Miguelà ngel Clerc
  • Interlude II: The Score on Shifting Grounds
  • Kathleen Coessens
  • Part III: Extending the Boundaries
  • Chapter 9The Beginning of Happiness: Approaching Scores in Graphic and
  • Text Notation
  • Virginia Anderson
  • Chapter 10Closing the Gap between Sound and Score in the Performance
  • of Electroacoustic Music
  • Gregorio García Karman
  • Chapter 11Notational Perspective and Comprovisation
  • Sandeep Bhagwati
  • Interlude III: The Score beyond Music
  • Kathleen Coessens
  • Part IV: Choreographies of Sound
  • Chapter 12A Physical Interpretation of a Score in a Listening Attitude
  • Susanne Jaresand and Maria Calissendorff
  • Chapter 13Score as Relationship: From Scores to Score Spaces to Scorescapes
  • Yolande Harris
  • Chapter 14Drawing and the Score
  • Anne Douglas
  • Postlude
  • Kathleen Coessens
  • Personalia
  • Index