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Music, Modern Culture, and the Critical Ear

Music, Modern Culture, and the Critical Ear

  • Author: Attfield, Nick
  • Author: Winters, Ben



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  • Introduction. Nicholas Attfield and Ben Winters
  • Section 1 : Personal Tributes
  • 1. Susan McClary, 'Peter Franklin's Guilty Pleasures'
  • 2. Kate Daubney, 'From Opera House to Cinema: Forging a New Discipline in 1988'
  • Section 2 : Modernism and Modernity
  • 3. Sherry Lee and Thomas Peattie, 'Extraordinary Listening (Mahler - and Franklin)'
  • 4. Ben Winters, 'Korngold's Violanta: Venice, Carnival, and the Masking of Identities'
  • 5. Jonathan Hicks, 'Erik Satie and the Subject(s) of Mobility'
  • Section 3 : Reconsidering Interwar Germany
  • 6. Nicholas Attfield, 'Ein Menschenherz geopfert - oder viele!': Hans Pfitzner and the Idea of a Volksoper '
  • 7. Matthew Werley, 'The Architecture of Trauma: Richard Strauss, Salzburg, and the Great War'
  • 8. Alexander Binns, 'Cozarinsky's La Guerre d'un seul homme and Musical Categories: (Re)-Framing Pfitzner, Strauss, Schreker, and Schoenberg Cinematically'
  • Section 4 : Musicology and its Values
  • 9. Christopher Chowrimootoo, '"Britten Minor": Constructing the Modernist Canon'
  • 10. Aidan J. Thomson, 'Elgar's Part-Song Cycle, Op. 53: Idealism and Education'
  • 11. David Cooper, '"It must be done fresh and new"-Bernard Herrmann's Score for North by Northwest '
  • 12. Christopher Morris, 'Back from the Dead: Kubrick, Music and the Auteur'