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Dancing Through Time: Western Social Dance in Literature, 1400-1918: Selections

Dancing Through Time: Western Social Dance in Literature, 1400-1918: Selections

  • Editor: Thompson, Allison



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  • Table of Contents
  • Preface     
  • From the Middle Ages to the Renaissance: 1400 to 1650
  • Introduction     
  • Sir Mirthe’s Carole (GEOFFREY CHAUCER)     
  • Instruction in the Dance (THOINET ARBEAU)     
  • The Masque of Beauty (BEN JOHNSON)     
  • Of Masques and Triumphs (FRANCIS BACON)     
  • At the Wedding of Lady Quiteria (MIGUEL CERVANTES)     
  • Fetchen Home the May (EDMUND SPENSER)     
  • Foot It, Girls! (WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE)     
  • Rallied by Scorn (WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE)     
  • Wooing, Wedding and Repenting (WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE)     
  • The Bridal Feast (THOMAS HEYWOOD)     
  • Good Fellows Must Go Learn to Dance (ANONYMOUS)     
  • The Dance of Love (SIR JOHN DAVIES)     
  • The Restoration of Pleasure: 1651 to 1759
  • Introduction     
  • Preface to the English Dancing Master (JOHN PLAYFORD)     
  • Of the Ceremonial Observed at the King’s Grand Ball (P. RAMEAU)     
  • This Day (SAMUEL PEPYS)     
  • Nothing So Necessary to Mankind (MOLIERE)     
  • The Gentleman Dancing Master (WILLIAM WYCHERLEY)     
  • The Art of Dancing (SOAME JENYNS)     
  • It May Be Practiced Innocently (EUSTACE BUDGELL)     
  • Joan Sanderson, Or, the Cushion Dance (JOHN PLAYFORD)     
  • Gratiana Dancing (RICHARD LOVELACE)     
  • Don’t Be Ridiculous (LORD CHESTERFIELD)     
  • Attention to the Dance (LORD CHESTERFIELD)     
  • Genteel Carriage (LORD CHESTERFIELD)     
  • Dancing the Rudiment of Polite Education (HENRY FIELDING)     
  • Pamela’s Lament (SAMUEL RICHARDSON)     
  • The May-Pole (ROBERT HERRICK)     
  • The Country Life (ROBERT HERRICK)     
  • Joan to the Maypole Away (ANONYMOUS)     
  • The Rural Dance About the May-Pole (ANONYMOUS)     
  • The May Pole Speaks (THOMAS HALL)     
  • The Age of Reason: 1760 to 1799
  • Introduction     
  • Rules for an Amicable Society (BALTIMORE ASSEMBLY)     
  • A Treatise on the Art of Dancing (GIOVANNI GALLINI)     
  • Evelina Makes a Mistake (FRANCES BURNEY)     
  • Her Grandmother Takes Evelina to a Ball (FRANCES BURNEY)     
  • Fashions and Follies (FRANCES BURNEY)     
  • These Damn’d French Steps (RICHARD SHERIDAN)     
  • The Jealous Lover (RICHARD SHERIDAN)     
  • The Pleasures of Bath (TOBIAS SMOLLETT)     
  • The Vicar Holds an Informal Frisk (OLIVER GOLDSMITH)     
  • The Grace (LAURENCE STERNE)     
  • The Pleasures of Dancing (J. W. VON GOETHE)     
  • The Regency: 1800 to 1836
  • Introduction     
  • Our Boasted National Dance (THOMAS WILSON)     
  • Country Dance and Quadrille (THOMAS MOORE)     
  • Mr. Bingley’s Success at the Ball (JANE AUSTEN)     
  • The Usages of Society (CHARLES W. DAY)     
  • Tom and Jerry Visit Almack’s Ballroom (PIERCE EGAN)     
  • Waltzing (THOMAS WILSON)     
  • The Waltz; An Apostrophic Hymn (GEORGE, LORD BYRON)     
  • Mr. Tilney Likens Marriage to Country Dancing (JANE AUSTEN)     
  • Bewitching Converse During the Dance (JANE AUSTEN)     
  • Mr. Fezziwig’s Christmas Dance (CHARLES DICKENS)     
  • Fanny Is the Guest of Honor (JANE AUSTEN)     
  • And Then He Danced (GEORGE, LORD BYRON)     
  • In the Reign of the Young Queen: 1837 to 1869
  • Introduction     
  • A Sample Dance Card (BEADLE’S DIME GUIDE)     
  • Modern Manners (L. DE G. BROOKES)     
  • The Art of Dancing (THOMAS HILLGROVE)     
  • Madame Bovary Learns to Waltz (GUSTAVE FLAUBERT)     
  • And Then She Danced (W. M. PRAED)     
  • New Impressions (LOUISA MAY ALCOTT)     
  • Mr. Jorrocks in Paris (ROBERT SURTEES)     
  • Description of a Ball at Paris (“L.”)     
  • On Domestic Amusements and Social Duties (CATHERINE BEECHER)     
  • An Hour in a Ball-Room (M. A. DENISON)     
  • The Belle of the Ball (CAROLINE LEE HENTZ)     
  • Concerning Round Dances (ALFRED L. CARROLL)     
  • A Social Cancer! (W. C. WILKINSON)     
  • Eustacia Goes A-Gypsying (THOMAS HARDY)     
  • The Tranter’s Party (THOMAS HARDY)     
  • They Dance More Wildly (THOMAS HARDY)     
  • The Sanitary Ball (MARK TWAIN)     
  • The Lobster Quadrille (LEWIS CARROLL)     
  • The Gilded Age: 1870 to 1899
  • Introduction     
  • Fashionable Dancing (MRS. JOHN SHERWOOD)     
  • Round Dances (REV. CHARLES B. GOSS)     
  • The Boston Dip (FRED. W. LORING)     
  • Young Tom Decides the Redowa Is Worth Learning (LOUISA MAY ALCOTT)     
  • Advice to a Leader of a “German” (TWO AMATEUR LEADERS)     
  • The Band Played On (PALMER AND WARD)     
  • The Fateful Meeting (COUNT LEO TOLSTOY)     
  • A Southern Michigan Kadrille (DELLA LUTES)     
  • The End of an Era: 1900 to 1918
  • Introduction     
  • Dancing As an Art (V. AND I. CASTLE)     
  • Basil Goes to a Tea Dance (F. SCOTT FITZGERALD)     
  • The Man with Two Left Feet (P. G. WODEHOUSE)     
  • Distinction Vanished with the Cotillion (EMILY POST)     
  • The Sub-Deb’s Holaday Cotillion (MARY R. RINEHART)     
  • Waltz Me Around Again, Willie (W. COBB)     
  • An Old-Fashioned Country Dance (RALPH D. PAINE)     
  • The Dance in the Heartlands (WILLA CATHER)     
  • Index