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Inside the Ring: Essays on Wagner's Opera Cycle

  • Editor: DiGaetani, John Louis
I can aver that I found much to enjoy and learn here. For instance, the interview with Eaglen alone is worth the price of the book... Inside the Ring contains many nuggets of gold, not the... More…



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  • Table of Contents
  • Acknowledgments     
  • Preface     
  • A Ring Chronology     
  • Introduction: The Cycles in the Cycle     
  • I. The Foundation
  • 1. The Golden Ring in a Golden Age     
  • 2. Selling the Ring: Richard Wagner’s “Enterprise”     
  • II. Interpretations
  • 3. Gold Rules: The Politics of Wagner’s Ring     
  • 4. Romanticism in the Ring     
  • 5. The Ring: An Italian Dream Set in Switzerland     
  • III. The Ring and Germany
  • 6. Wagner’s Ring and German Culture: Performances and Interpretations On and Off Stage     
  • 7. Wagner’s Ring Premiere in Munich     
  • 8. Transgression and Taboo: Eros, Marriage, and Incest in Die Walküre     
  • IV. Production and Influence of the Ring
  • 9. A Select Production History of the Ring     
  • 10. The Ring in America     
  • 11. Wagnerian Opera's Influence on World Literature     
  • V. The Language and Music of the Ring
  • 12. The Language of the Ring     
  • 13. An Interview with Jane Eaglen     
  • VI. Conclusion
  • 14. The Trouble with Wagner     
  • 15. The Ring on Disc and on Video     
  • About the Contributors     
  • Index