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Paul Robeson: Essays on His Life and Legacy

  • Editor: Dorinson, Joseph
  • Editor: Pencak, William



Usually despatched in 5 - 7 working days


  • Table of Contents
  • Foreword    
  • Preface    
  • Introduction    
  • THE EARLY YEARS Childhood, Sports, and College
  • African Americans: Childhood in Slavery, Childlike in Freedom…and Paul Robeson as Child and Parent    
  • Paul Robeson: Rutgers Phenomenon    
  • Something to Cheer About: Paul Robeson, Athlete    
  • Robeson the Athlete: A Remembrance    
  • The Political Struggle
  • A Man of His Times: Paul Robeson and the Press    
  • Out of the Shadows: The Political Writings of Eslanda Goode Robeson    
  • Paul Robeson and Jackie Robinson: Athletes and Activists at Armageddon    
  • Paul Robeson, Peekskill, and the Red Menace    
  • Remembering Peekskill, USA, 1949    
  • Paul Robeson, Freedom Newspaper, and the Korean War    
  • Music, Film, Theater
  • A Dream Betrayed: Paul Robeson and the British Film Industry    
  • Paul Robeson and Classical Music    
  • “A Symbol, Representing My People”: Marian Anderson’s Way, Not Opposed to Paul Robeson’s    
  • “You Know Who I Am!” Paul Robeson’s Ballad for Americans and the Paradox of the Double V in American Popular Front Culture    
  • When Paul Robeson Sang to Me    
  • Legacies
  • “Americans Through Their Labor”: Paul Robeson’s Vision of Cultural and Economic Democracy    
  • Paul Robeson: Icon or Hero?    
  • Expanding the African-American Studies Curriculum: “Paul Robeson: An American Life”    
  • Paul    
  • About the Contributors    
  • Index