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Global Repertoires: Popular Music Within and Beyond the Transnational Music Industry

  • Author: Gebesmair, Andreas
  • Author: Smudits, Alfred
Global Repertoires [is] not only interesting for the information and analysis [it] provides, [it is] as all books presenting research in progress are, stimulating because of the questions [it]... More…



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  • Contents: Preface
  • Introduction, Andreas Gebesmair
  • Structures and strategies of the transnational music and media industry: Global strategies and local markets: explaining Swedish music export success, Robert Burnett
  • The corporate strategies of the major record labels and the international imperative, Keith Negus
  • One planet - one music? MTV and globalization, Keith Roe and Gust de Meyer
  • Beyond the transnational music industry - the global use and abuse of popular music: Sampling the didjeridoo, Susanne Binas
  • Race, ethnicity and the production of Latin/o popular music, Deborah Pacini Hernandez
  • Popular music in ex-Yugoslavia between global participation and provincial seclusion, Alenka Barber-Kersovan
  • Globalization - localization, homogenization - diversification and other discordant trends: a challenge to music policy makers, Krister Malm
  • Music policy between safeguarding and chauvinism, Alfred Smudits
  • Approaches and methods: popular music research between 'production of culture' and 'anthropology': Up and down the music world. An anthropology of globalization, Joana Breidenbach and Ina Zukrigl
  • Globalization and communalization of music in the production perspective, Richard A. Peterson
  • Measurements of globalization: some remarks on sources and indicators, Andreas Gebesmair
  • Hubert von Goisern's Austrian folk rock: how to analyse musical genre?, Harald Huber
  • Index.