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Music and the Reformation in England 1549–1660

  • Author: Huray, Peter le



Usually despatched in 2 - 3 weeks


  • 1. Music and the English Reformation;
  • 2. The Elizabethan Settlement;
  • 3. The Chapel Royal;
  • 4. Some Performance Problems;
  • 5. Trends and Influences;
  • 6. '... the order of Common Prayer as it is to be sung in Churches';
  • 7. Edwardian and Early Elizabethan Church Music;
  • 8. The Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries: William Byrd and his Contemporaries;
  • 9. Thomas Tomkins and his Contemporaries;
  • 10. William Child, his Contemporaries and the Stile Ntiovo in England;
  • 11. Published '... for the recreation of all such as delight in Musicke'.