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Story behind the Protest Song: A Reference Guide to the 50 Songs That Changed the 20th Century

  • Author: Phull, Hardeep
Phull (music journalist) has pulled together the stories of 50 protest songs, broadly defined, that changed the 20th century,' and he discusses many other songs as well. Beginning with 'We... More…



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  • Acknowledgments
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 : WE SHALL OVERCOME
  • Chapter 2 : THE BIRTH OF A NATION (1939-1964)
  • Chapter 3 : EVERYBODY LOOK WHATS GOING DOWN (1965-1968)
  • Chapter 4 : WHERE HAVE ALL THE FLOWERS GONE? (1968-1970)
  • Chapter 5 : THINGS AINT WHAT THEY USED TO BE (1970-1974)
  • Chapter 6 : RAGING AGAINST THE MACHINE (1977-1982)
  • Chapter 7 : SIGNS O THE TIMES (1982-1985)
  • Chapter 8 : REBELS WITHOUT A PAUSE (1986-1993)
  • Chapter 9 : MODERN LIFE IS RUBBISH (1994-1998) Epilogue
  • Appendix
  • Bibliography