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Music and Aesthetics in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries

  • Author: Day, James
  • Author: Huray, Peter le



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  • Preface to the abridged edition
  • Preface to the first edition
  • Introduction
  • Reflexions critiques sur la poesie et sur la peinture (1719) Du Bos
  • An Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue (1725) Hutcheson
  • Three Treatises (1744) Harris
  • Les beaux-arts reduits a un meme principe (1746) Batteux
  • 'Discours preliminaire' from the Encyclopedie (1751) d'Alembert
  • An Essay on Musical Expression (1753) Avison
  • 'Genie', from the Encyclopidie (1757) de Jaucourt
  • 'Le Gout, from the Encyclopedie (1757) Voltaire
  • A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful (1757) Burke
  • Essai sur l'origine des langues (1764) Rousseau
  • Sensibilite', `Le Sublime', from the Encyclopedie (1765) de Jaucourt
  • 'Le Genie', `L'Imitation' (with Framery's commentary), `Le Natural', `Le Gout', `L'Unite de melodie', from the Dictionnaire de musique (1767) Rousseau
  • 'Aesthetik', `Leidenschaften', `Ausdruck in der Musik', `Genie', Begeisterung', `Musik', `Naturlich', `Erhaben', from the Allgemeine Theorie der schonen Kunste (1771) Sulzer
  • `Lettre ... sur la musique, from (1773) Gluck
  • `Preliminary Discourse' from A General History of the Science and Practice of Music (1776) Hawkins
  • Entretiens sur l'etat de la musique grecque au quatrieme siecle (1777) Barthelemy
  • La poetique de la musique (1785) La Cepede
  • `Versuch einer Vereinigung alley schonen Kunste', from Berlinische Monatsschrift (1785) Moritz
  • Discourse xiii (1786) Reynolds
  • `Essay on Musical Criticism', from A General History of Music (vol. 3) (1789) Burney
  • Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste (1790) Alison
  • Kritik der Urteilskraft (1790) Kant
  • System der Aesthetik (1790) Heydenreich
  • `Ueber Charakterdarstellung in der Musik', from Die Horen (1795) Korner
  • Essay sur la propagation de la musique en France (1796) Leclerc
  • From the Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung (1813), Kalligone (1800) Herder
  • Vorlesungen fiber schone Literatur und Kunst (1801), Vorlesungen fiber dramatische Kunst und Literatur (1808) Schlegel, A. W.
  • `The intangibility of music'
  • 'Musical beauty - form and content'
  • 'The beautiful and the sublime in music'
  • 'Humour in music', from the Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung (1805-7) and the Berlinische musikalische Zeitung (1805) Michaelis
  • `Le Beau', `Classique', `Romanesque', `Le Sublime' from the Dictionnaire des beaux-arts (1806) Millin
  • `Of classic and romantic poetry' de Stael
  • Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung (1819) Schopenhauer
  • `Music and the other arts'
  • 'Musical interpretation of content'
  • 'The effect of music'
  • 'Form, technique and content in music'
  • 'The relationship between the musical means of expression and their content'
  • `Lyric and dramatic music'
  • 'Independent music', from Aesthetik Hegel
  • `Du romantique', from Le Globe (1825) Anon
  • Ueber Reinheit der Tonkunst (1825) Thibaut
  • 'Bello', `Espressione', `Imitazione', `Romantico', `Sublime', `Unita', `Estetica' Lichtenthal
  • 'Reponse a fine question qui noun a ete faite par nos abonnes'
  • 'Revue des journaux de musique publiees daps les divers pays de I'Europe', from the Revue musicale (1827) Fetis
  • L'Histoire du romantisme (1829) Toreinx
  • 'Le romantisme en musique', from the Revue musicale (1830) E.F.
  • Substance of Several Courses of Lectures (1831) Crotch
  • 'Sur les dictionnaires de musique'
  • 'Polemique. Du mouvement et de la resistance en musique', from the Revue musicale (1831) Fetis
  • Kurze Encyclopddie der Philosophic (1831) Herbart
  • 'The importance of the imagination'
  • 'Emotion'
  • `The nature of the composer's inspiration'
  • 'That music is more precise than words'
  • Musical progress' (1831-46) Mendelsohn
  • 'Schonheit und Schon', `Begeisterung', `Romantik und Romantisch', `Erhaben' from the Universal Lexicon der Tonkunst (1834-8) Schilling
  • Filosofia della Musica (1836) Mazzini
  • 'Ideen fiber Baukunst und Musik', from Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik (1838) Becker
  • L'e