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Greek Musical Writings Volume 2 Harmonic and Acoustic Theory

  • Editor: Barker, Andrew



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  • Acknowledgements
  • Abbreviations, texts and typographic conventions
  • Introduction
  • 1. Pythagoras and Early Pythagoreanism
  • Appendix: the scalar Divisions of Archytas
  • 2. Plato
  • 3. Aristotle
  • 4. The Aristotelian Problemata
  • 5. The Peripatetic De Audibilibus
  • 6. Theophrastus
  • 7. Aristoxenus Elementa Harmonica
  • Book I
  • Book II
  • Book III
  • Appendix: Aristoxenus' Elementa Rhythmica Book II
  • 8. The Euclidean Sectio Canonis
  • 9. Minor authors quoted by Theon and Porphyry
  • Passages from Theon of Smyrna
  • Passages from Porphyry
  • 10. Nicomachus Enchiridion
  • 11. Ptolemy Harmonicas
  • Book I
  • Book II
  • Appendix to Book II
  • Book III
  • 12. Aristides Quintilianus De Musica
  • Book I
  • Book II
  • Book III
  • Bibliography
  • Index.